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Online Trademark Registration Register Logo, Brand & Domain

Secure your brands, logos, business names, labels, and domains with our trademark registration services in India. Experience swift protection within 24 hours. With over 12,000 trademarks filed in India and abroad, we are your reliable partner for brand, logo, or trademark registration.

What is Trademark Registration

All you need to know

A Trademark registration protects your brand and provides you with the tools to prevent someone using similar signs and riding on the back of your business. Trademark (symbolizing a mark in trade) means a mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others and may include a shape of goods, their packaging, and a combination of colors. Trademark registration in India is advisable to protect your brand


Essentially it is anything which identifies a brand to a common consumer. “Mark” includes a device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature, word, letter, numeral, shape of goods, packaging or combination of colors or any combination thereof.

Reasons why businesses like yours need online brand Registration / Protection-

Types of Trademark With Examples

Various Intellectual Rights can be classified as trademarks. Below are some common types of trademarks, along with examples. 

Business Name

Your business or company name is a vital trademark that should be protected immediately to prevent any unauthorized use.

Company Logo

This includes unique images, artwork, or emblems that represent your business. To register your logo, submit a high-resolution JPEG image.

Business Name

Your business's products are often recognized by their individual names. These could be wordmarks or device marks (images).

Punchline Or Slogan

Your business or company name is a vital trademark that should be protected immediately to prevent any unauthorized use.

Domain Name

Domain names can also be registered under Trademark Law, offering significant protection from easy copying of url with different domain extension.

Sound Mark

Unique sounds associated with your business, like the Airtel ringtone or ICICI jingle, can be registered as Sound Marks.

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